Kids Next Door (School-age Program)
Kids' Korner's school-age program is called Kids Next Door. Kids Next Door offers before and after school, along with summer camp for elementary aged children. Our school-age program will unlock new worlds of learning through exciting project-based activities that meet the needs of children through language arts, math, science, social studies, physical fitness and music. Our program will provide children with opportunities interact with other children, which leads to increased social skills. We will promote children’s self-esteem and confidence that are developed by emphasizing the process and product of a child’s work. We will learn about new hobbies and interests that can become lifelong activities, while developing new skills and reinforcing old ones. Our philosophy regarding our curriculum is and has always been “teachers facilitate a child’s learning through discovery and play”. We want the children to learn while HAVING FUN!!!
Kids Next Door provides transportation to the following schools:
Forest Park Elementary
Carver Elementary
Shady Brook Elementary
Fred L. Wilson Elementary
Jackson Park Elementary
Winecoff Elementary
Royal Oaks Elementary
Landis Elementary (After school only)
Kids Next Door is currently offering remote learning to children on their days out of school. This is provided in a group setting; therefore, children must bring their own tablets, headphones and chargers. It is necessary for families to provide us with a written schedule of assignments and meeting times, along with IDs and passcodes. While we make every effort to encourage children to complete their assignments, it is up to the families to ensure completion especially when a written schedule is not provided.